Doctor Built

Doctor Built Hospitals

Plate 4: Methodist Episcopal Church (South) Soochow Hospital as built in 1883

Source: Soochow Hospital, 1883–1933: Fiftieth Anniversary: Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1933: n.p.

Ground Plan, Soochow Hospital, 1883*

Plate 5: Ground plan, Soochow Hospital, 1883

Source: CMMJ, Vol. 18, no. 2 (1904): foll.56.

John Kenneth Mackenzie’s LMS Hospital at Tianjin, Shandong, 1879*

Plate 7: Mackenzie’s LMS Hospital at Tianjin, Shandong, 1879

Source: Mary Isabella Bryson, John Kenneth Mackenzie: Medical Missionary to China (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1891): facing 379. 

 “Moukden Hospital before the Boxers” Built by Duguld Christie and opened 1887

Plate 8: “Moukden Hospital before the Boxers”. Opened 1887

Source: Duguld Christie, Thirty Years in the Manchu Capital. New York: McBride and Nast, 1914, facing 136.

Additional Information

 Church Missionary Society Hospital, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 1910

Plate 9: Church Missionary Society Hospital, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 1910

Source: Story of the Hangchow Medical Mission: in connection with the Church Missionary Society: n.p., 1910: 16.

 St. Agatha’s Hospital Pingyin, Shandong, 1909

Plate 10: St. Agatha’s Hospital Pingyin, Shandong, 1909

Source: CMMJ, Vol. 23, no. 6 (1909): facing p. 407.

 Main Entrance Gate, St. Agatha’s Hospital

Plate 11: Main Entrance Gate, St. Agatha’s Hospital

Source: Mary. A Moline, Threatened Hospital in China: Being the Story of St. Agatha’s Hospital, P’ing Yin, London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1933: front cover.

 APM Hospital at Changzhou, Hunan, 1908

Plate 12: APM Hospital at Changzhou, Hunan, 1908

Source: Stephen C Lewis,. “Opening of the American Presbyterian Hospital at Chenchow, Hunan.” CMMJ 22, no. 4 (1908): 256.